Yesterday was Mother's Day. It was my first without my Mom. It was also my first as an orphan. I didn't want it to come. I just knew that I was going to be so depressed that I wouldn't get out of bed. I miss both my parents but since my mom just recently left, I miss her the most. I was her caretaker and that changed our relationship radically. She was totally dependent on me and my heart changed from loving her as my Mom to loving her like my child. I think most can understand that statement but what really happened was I discovered an even deeper level of love.
We're free to love anyone but we usually restrict it to just a few. Perhaps we feel that it makes love more special when we restrict it. Maybe that's true to some, but when you lose the ones you've chosen to love, how will you handle the lonliness? I miss my mother but I'm not lonely. I miss her beautiful face; her soft manicured hands; her wit; her powerful belief in God and her testimonies of his goodness; her love for her family and her community. When she was able, she was the one to visit the sick, call the shut-ins, mail cards, send gifts - something to let people know that, whatever their circumstances, they are not alone and unloved. I imagine that a lot of people miss my Mom.
I feel sad that I didn't readily step into her shoes and become the one to reach out to those that could use a dose of love in their lives. I'm happy to have learned that a friend of mine did do that. Hearing about what she did, made my Mom feel closer to me and has inspired me to do better in the future. This friend decided that there were many mothers in nursing homes in her area that didn't have children to visit them but who were deserving of some love and attention. She spent the last week and weekend preparing some loving tokens for them. What she really decided is that she could love more and more and more. And she did.
Lynn (DrinDiva) - thank you for being the wonderful person you are; thank you for showing us a better side of love; thank you for lifting the spirits of those that received from you, including me; and thank you for reminding us that we are the hands and feet of God in this world and he wants more cookies and cakes and flower arrangements made and delivered to those in need of love today!
What a beautiful testimony to your mother! I think we all have a lot of love inside us to share with others. Sometimes we just get so caught up in day to day life that we narrow our focus.